Birch Eyes and Moonshine

Launch evening of Friday 11th February 18:00 – 20:30. Open on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th February 12 – 2:30pm and thereafter by appointment until 27th February. Free

Jude Hutchen and David Snoo Wilson present sculpture and paintings made in the depths of Winter and explore themes of the darkest months. The HOURS exhibition for February.

David Snoo Wilson’s selection of cast metal masks were made in the Swedish countryside where everyone in the village knows your business. There’s a feeling that even the woods are watching.

Jude Hutchen’s paintings started from walking under a full moon, through perfect cast shadows. Nights are long, time passes slowly, introspection knocks at the door. There’s a feeling of darkness waiting for each pale sun to draw Spring closer.

insta: davidsnoowilson

insta: jude_hutchen