Convergence. Print. Paint. Clay.

Launch Event 6-9pm on Friday 6th September. Also open: 11am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday 7th and 8th. Thereafter by arrangement until September 29th. Free

Convergence reunites three artists who have exhibited together many times over the years, to create a vibrant and eclectic mix of prints, paintings and ceramics.

Sandra Cocks’ large scale woodcuts offer an intriguing view of topical issues and human situations. Ceramic sculptures and wall pieces by Jenny Life convey the warmth and energy of the human form, while her pots reflect her love of colour and landscape. Jenny McGee’s paintings are richly coloured, layered and textural and, although their roots are in the landscape, become increasingly abstract as they develop.

Website: Instagram: @jennylifestudio

Website: Instagram: @sandra_cocks_art

Website: Instagram: @jennymcgeeartuk