Book Story Structure 101 here.
In this session, we’ll examine traditional story structures, including the hero’s journey and you’ll explore how to apply these to your own work. You’ll find out how to enjoy plotting, playing with structure and how to use it to build tension, to engage, surprise and delight your readers.
This day is ideal if you:
- are totally terrified of plotting.
- want to get to grips with the shape of your stories.
- are keen to work on fiction or memoir.
- want to understand how you can use narrative structure as a supportive tool.
- are excited about getting new (or old!) stories plotted and ready to write.
There will be time for writing built into the day, as well as opportunities to collaborate, share and enjoy new each other’s work.
Writers at all stages of their journey are welcome. Suitable for new writers as well as those with novels to their names.
Booking essential.